RafikiHome Children are at risk of family breakdowns, academic disruption, poor physical health due to poor nutritional diet. RafikiHome staff and volunteers offers a holistic service within a psychosocial perspective. We collaborate with social services, education and health services to create a safe space where children can re-create a family setting and begin to enjoy the big family fun activities that are both recreational and mental stimulating.

Short and Medium term outcomes

  • Vulnerable Children and families access RafikiHome support and begin to feel safe and stabilised.
  • Building Bridges Children feel an increased sense of belonging and accepted.
  • Beneficiaries begin to tap into their own resources to …..
  • Volunteers build trusting relationships and networks with the community

Long term Outcomes

  • Children and Families experience improved physical, social and emotional wellbeing
  • Building Bridges Children are supported in reaching their developmental and academic milestones
  • Children living with HIV experience improved health system
  • RafikiHome transformed into one big happy family
  • Volunteers gain learning and enhanced wisdom through meaningful community service
Hello, my name is Linet Wanjiru, am 23 years old and a Kenya registered Nurse by profession. I'd love to share my successful journey.

Sunshine Building Bridges came into my life in 2012 when I had no hope of good education due to poverty and family struggles. I lived in the village with my grandmother and although she took on casual labour jobs, it was not possible to feed and educate her 5 grandchildren she had alone been left behind with.

Through the support of Sunshine Building Bridges, I completed my secondary school and passed with a B-, they further sponsored me to my dream career when I joined Mathari Nursing medical college for 4 years where I qualified as a professional nurse with excellence results.

I cannot thank SBB enough for their emotional, guidance, personal needs and educational support. My life has turned around, I look back with tears and thank God that SBB found me at a time of need and raised me up to be somebody who can now make a positive difference in others. I am proud to be the volunteer nurse on call at Rafikihome.

My goal in life is to work hard and be successful and be able to help others who are vulnerable like I was back in the village.. I am a product of Angelina’s vision on building bridges of opportunities in life for positive transformation.
I'm deeply grateful to be an ambassador of your works, I just lack words to say it all. But I'm not letting you or any of us *_DOWN* rather I'm souring for greater heights.

